Another hectic week here. With five year old twins, my piano lessons work, keeping house and looking after our lovely dog ( yes, that’s him pictured; he’s a rescue Jackahuahua and we adore him) it can be really hard to carve out time to do what gives you pleasure. But today I massively succeeded… I met friends for coffee after school drop off. I went for a run in the countryside. And best of all, I played my piano for a solid hour. There was laundry to do. There were breakfast dishes piled up. The hoover needed to be run around and the beds have been left unmade. Normally I would run around and do all these things and more before attempting to squeeze in a bit of time for me before I start work . Well.. today I put me first, and I feel great. The housework can wait until tomorrow. I’m rejuvenated and in a really good place mentally .That’s mainly thanks to my finally nailing the ornaments inĀ Chopins nocturne in G minor- I’ll add a clip below, it really is a beautiful piece of music. Without a doubt the best hour I’ve spent in a while!